Hiroshima (6)


Things You may want to Buy

If you’re looking for a light-weight retractable power cable, check out the Groovy GM-PW185.

Elecom makes a really nice retractable Ethernet cable, available in several bright colors. The main feature is the release button which makes the cable retract properly with no fuss.

Sascom: This is the original universal “purple” power plug adapter that allows any US or Japanese plug to connect to European, Australian, or British sockets. The Sascom now has a competitor in a product called Go!con preferred by many since it packs fairly flat.

The Sanwa Supply TAP-B26 lets you add two US (or Japanese) style outlets to any device that uses the “figure-8” power cable configuration. Available in several colors.

You’ll also find a very large array of USB hubs, flat Ethernet cables, small portable Ethernet hubs, and cases and sleeves in all shapes and sizes. The Japanese love items which are small and portable, so if you travel Japan is a great place to shop.

There are several so-called “Tax-free” shops, especially in Akihabara, that allegedly sell “international” models, but in reality there is very little to choose from, at least in the computer department. I should mention that the Japanese FM radio band starts down at 76 Mhz and ends at 90 Mhz in contrast to the 87.5 – 108 Mhz range in the rest of the world, just in case you are considering a radio purchase. Watch out for “domestic only” models. You should be able to get all of the items above in the BIC Camera store in Hiroshima. It’s fairly close to the main railway station. Two other electronics stores are DEODEO  and Yamada Denki. Neither are very far from the venue hotel.

This is only a small sample of what awaits you in Japan. Feel free to contact me (ole@cisco.com) with questions. See you in Hiroshima!




Elecom Ethernet Cable

Groovy GM-PW185

Sanwa TAP-B26